Monday 14 November 2011

Festival d'Europa Firenze  Mai 2011

Fete d'Europe 

Notre projet répresente l'Action eTwining


Wednesday 20 July 2011

notre projet en images et quelques mots

un petit compte rendu en italien pour l'Agence Nationale Italienne

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Sunday 19 June 2011

La télé de Livorno parle de notre projet:émission du 13 mai 2011

TELEGRANDUCATO,la télé de livorno, a fait passer une information sur notre projet et sur la fete eTwinning/Comenius organisée au Lycée Cecioni le 12 et 13 mai 2011

Monday 6 June 2011

Le tri sélectif :QUIZ

Après avoir beaucoup discuté sur cela, voulez vous vous tester?
Cliquez ICI

Sauvons la planète:QUIZ ECOLO:



Sunday 5 June 2011

concours U4energy!

Nous avons partecipé au concours U4energy!

Les écoles de toute l'Europe ont èté invitées à participer à ce concours passionnant pour montrer leurs accomplissements en matière d'économie d'énergie dans un effort de garantir un avenir plus durable.
Notre projet participe dans la catégorie C:
C:Meilleures idées et mesures pour une campagne de sensibilisation

Saturday 4 June 2011

Le Récit de notre parcours eTwinning/Comenius en images...


Rencontre à Livorno.12 et 13 mai pour feter la Planète!

Le 12 et 13 mai 2011 les profs partenaires et les élèves italiens avec quelques copins françaios ont organisé une rencontre au Lycée Cecioni de Livorno pour discuter,se confronter,mettre en commun les résultats de leurs parcousr autour du thème de l'environnement.
Les collèges de la ville de Livorno ont partcipé à une exposition ,des jeux multimédia et en carton "normal" ont été inventés par les élèves,des tableaux blancs intéractifs ont joué le role,"magique" d'un cinquième élément,l'Ethérique" qui s'ajoute à ceux de la Terre,le Feu,l'Eau,l'Air.

Cliquer ici pour voir...

et voilà aussi l'émission télé qui témoigne de la journée finale de la rencontre eTwinning/Comenius au Lycée Cecioni de Livorno

Sauvons la Planète à Firenze,Piazza della Signoria pour rèpresenter eTwinning

Saturday 16 April 2011

Nous voulons aussi plaisanter un peu: imaginons notre Planète sous forme d'Homme qui part dancer dans la Nature.... :)

Nous pensons que l'Homme est poussé par l'envie de gagner toujours plus et il oublie que ce qu'il arrache à sa Planète au nom de l'argent n'est pas un jeu comme celui-ci....

La Terre est le cible d'une guerre:la guerre entre Gaia et tous ceux qui ,chaque jour,tirent sur elle.
N'oublions pas combien de forets disparaissent chaque jour,combien d'espèces vivantes,combien de compagnons dans notre voyage sur cette petite planète bleue.
Nous avons inventé ce jeu pour nous souvenir de cela.

Notre premier vidéo jeu! La Terre lutte! JOUEZ!!!

Thursday 7 April 2011

The Climate house (by Léa Eugénie and Jenny)

On Tuesday we went on a trip to the climate house in Bremerhaven. We had to drive 3 hours in the bus until we finally arrived in Bremerhaven.

At first we have seen the port and the sea
After that we entered in the climate house. We started the visit for one hour at first, then we had a break for lunch. After lunch we continued our visit.
In the climate house there were faked climate zones, where it felt like you were really in the rainforest, desert or in Alaska.

All in the same building.We also learned something about the consequences of climate change. For example that the worlds temperature will rise between 1.4 C and 5.8 C over the next 100 years. And that the pressure of the atmosphere increases. This will lead to drought, flooding, increases in hurricanes and tornadoes and possibly widespread crop failures.

After we finished our visit we drove back home for another 3 hours.
It was a great experience and we had a lot of fun there because we learned a lot!

City Game in Münster

City game in Münster

On Monday (04.04.2011) we did a city game in Münster.We were 4 groups: blue, red, yellow and green, with 5 French and 5 German students. The start was in front of the „Aasee“ at 1.30pm and it ended at 3.30pm in front of the city hall. All the groups started the game at different places to see everything. It was a lot of fun and we all had to talk in english. It was a little bit difficult, but we managed it. We answered the question with some help from other people. The French students also saw a lot in Münster like important buildings and also the story of the famous city. We all have learned a lot about our city. They recognized that Münster has a lot of bikes and that there are a lot of students. All the bikes are better than cars, because the cars pollute the environment more than the bikes.
Münster is a bike city with about 250.000 bikes.

A story from: Madeleine, Alanna, Etienne and Nicolas

Our day at the museum!

On Tuesday 5th April 2011, we went to "Klimahaus" after 3 hours of bus driving, we arrived in this big building. When we entered the museum, we went into a blue coloured room where we watched a little movie that should give us the most important information about the museum, in German. After we divided into groups,we explored the different rooms. The first room represented the Swiss climate with a bug's world , then Nigeria, the Antarctic with a starry room and the hot islands climate with aquarium and tropical fish.

If humans continue to put rubbish into the sea or in the countryside, these tropical fish and bugs will die.
The climate is getting more and more dangerous, because there are at some places hurricans and sturms, so the sea gets very high and the land become fluted. The best thing in the "Klimahaus" was that you can feel how the climate changed and will change in the future, if we don't change anything. But there was also shown how you can save the world's future, for example by using electronical cars or recycling the rubbish.

Gael,Carolin and Marion.


On wednesday morning, we visited the city hall and the hall of peace with the mayor.

We got a lot of information about Münster and its history.

Wednesday, we rode by bicycle to the Rieselfelder. The Rieselfelder looked like "parc de la Brenne" in France,near to Châteauroux. Mr Schütz showed us the park and explained us a lot of things about this park and about the birds. He told us that rughly fifty types of birds visit this park every day, and every day they count the birds but not on Sunday. In the middle of the park is a tower which was built by four men, we could see all of the park.

After the "interesting" trip through the park, we rode back to the bicycle station.
The german students went into the city with the french exchange students to show them a bit more of Münster.

Kevin, Luc and Alexandre

The climate house

On Tuesday (05.04.2011) we went to the "Klimahaus 8° Ost" in Bremerhaven.
This climate house gives information about the weather, different climate zones and how they have changed and what consequences it causes for us humans and the whole earth.

I think that the climate zones were realistic because there was some real ice in "Alaska" and in the desert there was some real sand and also there was an iguana. In the tropical forest, it was warm and rainy. In the Samoas Islands we saw lots of fish.

What we find really interesting is, that there are so many artistic parts inside the "Perspectives" Area. We found not only information about weather and environment but also about the people who are living there. There where also information about the research methods which the scientists used to get the knowledge of climate change. They analysed shells, trees and even ice to learn about climatic changes in the last centuries.

All in all we found it very interesting but we did not have enought time to enjoy

Valentin, Mégane and Christian

Group Dimitri, Marjolaine, Lisa & Alicia

On tuesday we have been at the climatehouse in Bremerhaven

We did just the journey because we had not enough time, but it was a new experience and also interesting for us.

On this journey we saw a lot of diferent countries with climatzones and the problems of them.
When we were in the climathouse we felt like the persons which live there.
The Zahra was very hot and dry, the antartic so cold and Samoa very moist and suffy air.

This is Samoa

Thats the Sahara its dry and hot...

You must dress like that if you want to go to the antarctic

Tuesday, 05.04.2011


At our third day we went to Bremerhaven Climatehouse at 8 o'clock. We arrived the museum at 11:30h.

At the beginning our journey we started a trip around the world throw different climate areas. Furthermore we saw how people live in other countries and learned about their culture and traditions.
Moreover we perceived the world with our five senses, for example we touched into boxes which had stones inside. Besides one can watched different short movies about people and their life story.
In each station we learned more about climate changes. In some areas it was very hot but on the other side there are very cold areas. In Samoa for example the consequences of the climate changes is that the coral reefs, fish and plants disappear more and more.

After the trip around the world we had our lunch time.

During the journey we had to answer some questions like how the climate change and will be in the future or what are the impacts of the environment and humans.

At 3 o'clock we went back home with the bus and ate at Subway. All in all it was a wonderful and intersting day. But in Bremerhaven it was way colder and windy than in Münster.

Mélanie, Charléne, Inga, Steffi

Bicycle trip to the Rieselfelder

Yesterday, we first went to the town hall and we visited the "Friedenssaal". This is translated as Hall of Freedom. This was the place where they made freedom after the 30 years war in Europe. Very high guests are greeted there for many times. Mostly they are guests of the countries which made peace. And every high guest has to drink some wine out of the cockerel.

Then, we went to the station to rent bicycles. We went cycling to the Rieselfelder. This is a natural area where water is cleaned in a natural way. Because of that and because of the birds it was very interesting. First we had some lunch, we put some tables outside where we could eat. Then, a guide explained the life of birds in this area and how the water is cleaned. We went on the top of a tower where we could observe the countryside. After the visit we went back to the station and some of us stayed in the city to shop.

Jeronimo, Amélie & Lucile.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Monday 4 April 2011

Getting to know Münster

So this has been our first day!

After meeting at school we had a look at the wind power presentations that were prepared in English classes before and added final adjustments. Besides some computer difficulties everything went fine.

Then we had lunch at the canteen of the university. And I realized that it is not that easy to take a group of 45 through one cashier desk at a time. Anyway the canteen's computer system crashed as soon as we all had passed the cashier desk just as I wanted to pay for the meals. Computers again!!

Finally we split up into 4 groups and played a city game which took us around many sights of Münster city. My impression was that our students did not only learn a lot about Münster, but especially about each other.

So, after a good start I hope all of us will have a pleasant week.

Ansgar Sindermann

On Sunday morning

On Sunday morning my family and I picked up our French exchange student from school. At home we had lunch and got to know each other.
Later in the afternoon, we went to Bochum to a theater. The stage play named "Ganze Tage, Ganze Nächte". We all had a lot of fun!
All in all it was a wonderful first day!

Our first day in münster

The first day we came to Münster, we met our host family and we were with the family all day. We slept a bit, because the travelling was very long. At evening, we went to the fun fair and we ate some sweets, pizzas, chips ... There is any wastes on the floor, but a lot of trashs. It was a really a nice day even though we got scared because it was the first time we met German family. The family was nice to us and we spoke about different things.

Our first impression that German people use a lot of bikes than us, it´s a good thing for the environment ! Münster is a beautiful and big city, with a lake near the city center. We will see more the town this afternon.

See you !

Mein erster Tag in Münster

Am Sonntag morgen, sind wir mit dem Bus an der Schule angekommen. Unsere Gastfamilien haben uns dort abgeholt.
Am Nachmittag bin ich mit meine Gastschwester auf den Send gegangen. Auf dem Send sind wir mit einem Karussell gefahren und danach haben wir eine leckere Currywurst gegessen. Später habe ich mich hingelegt, da ich sehr müde war von der Fahrt. Aber insgesamt war es ein schöner Tag.

First impressions

- When we arrived in Münster after 12hours of travelling all the families were there to welcome us. We were very tired and happy to be finally in Germany.
The first day, we all went to the biggest funfair of Münster. It was a rainy day, but we had fun ! And finally we went to bed.

There are many windmills in and around Münster. We were surprised about the number of cycles in the city.

French guys >:D
We arrived yesterday in Münster after 13 hour of bus, it was very long and we were very tired. We went to RollerCoaster and we ate pizza. The RollerCoaster was very pollute with the attraction.
Today we work in our Project about wind power, and this afternoon we visit the city of Münster by bus (it´s not very ecological).
We think our travel isn´t ecological because we came by bus.

Luc, Dimitri, Gael, Nicolas, Alexandre

Sunday 3 April 2011

Saving Our Planet in Münster

This morning, haggard but not discouraged, we arrived in Münster. It was a long trip overnight on the bus from Châteauroux, and we were very happy to arrive and find the host families waiting for us.

Today, students from France have gone each their separate ways with their host partners, and tomorrow we will begin our project work in earnest. I'm hoping students will talk about their first impressions together, about any cultural differences they may have noticed, and especially about things they've seen or talked about relating to the environment.

More soon! --- Phil